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I started Hammer Heads in the summer of 2014. Back then I barely knew how to use a screwdriver properly. In three months I was able to get a deep understanding of all the different types of trade work available, how critical each one is, and most importantly, how to actually THRIVE in a career in the trades.

Participating in the program has catapulted my career trajectory. I can now envision myself doing things that two years ago seemed unimaginable. I love this program so much that when I was offered to become the Youth Committee Co-Chair I literally JUMPED at the chance.

In my role I now get to give back and provide dozens of young people with the same opportunity I had. It feels so amazing! I think the most important thing anybody reading this needs to know is that participating in the Hammer Heads Program is not just job training. It is not just “day in the life” exposure. And it is not just simply a stepping stone. Becoming a Hammer Head means you are joining a family.“


Hammer Heads has been a life-changing experience for me. Before starting the program, I was very unsure as to where I wanted to be in life. The program not only restructured my attitude, lifestyle and work ethic, it even changed the way I think.

I am now a proud union member finishing up my electrical apprenticeship and I am very thankful for all the benefits that come with it. Hammer Heads has allowed me to support my family which seemed nearly impossible before I began the program.

Hammer Heads not only opened my eyes to the amazing career opportunities in the trades, but it also killed a stereotype coming from a background that believes construction careers are low class. I would say that Hammer Heads has changed the narrative positively for me and for my children, for when they grow up they will also see the benefits and value in a career in the trades. Going forward, my journey looks promising and I am now excited for what lies ahead, unlike before the program.

Community Events

Apr 6, 2024

Apr 6, 2024
